美国 Dr. Minh N. Ho, M.D., F.A.C.O.G 医生
Medical Director, Reproductive Endocrinologist
Dr. Minh N. Ho, M.D., F.A.C.O.G, is a board-certified in Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, and OB/GYN of the Coastal Fertility Medical Center. He graduated from medical school more than 30 years ago and has since been demonstrating his skills through practice. Dr. Minh N. Ho is very proficient in treating patients of all backgrounds but specializes in treating patients of Asian descent. His well-known practice and accredited expertise culminated in the opportunity for him to provide treatment to the elite clientele, including authoritative government officials and high-end celebrities in Vietnam. The majority of his patients travel from China and Vietnam to the United States to receive his infertility treatment, surrogacy, and egg donation guidance at the leading full-service IVF medical center, RSMC. Dr. Ho is frequently credited for helping women of all ages with his expertise in advanced maternal age and women’s health.
Dr. Ho came to the US from Vietnam as a refugee in 1979. Within three years, he was accepted into the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, and graduated with an M.D. in 1986. He then completed a residency in OB/GYN at the world-renowned UT Southwestern Medical Center, Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he invented a patented double-clamp umbilical cord cutter. After completing his residency in 1990, Dr. Ho moved to San Diego and joined the group practice in OB/GYN Kaiser Permanente. To continue his educational endeavors, he later began a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the UC of San Diego, where he worked under the supervision of the Nobel Laureate Candidate, Dr. Samuel Yen. In 1994, with a special grant from the NIH, he served a year as a Guest Research Scientist at the internationally recognized National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, and continued to study and prove that granulosa cells express receptors for GnRH. His impressive educational and training background continues to strengthen his expertise in the reproductive sciences field. Throughout his years of practicing medicine, he has helped thousands of couples achieve their dreams of having healthy babies with the gender of choice.
Dr. Ho is well known for serving Asian patients. Although he serves both domestic and international clientele, his cultural understanding of the Asian population provides our international patients with the benefit of expert communication. He also specializes in helping patients who are experiencing advanced maternal age and/or endometriosis as well as patients with immunological disorders. Dr. Ho is skilled in finding solutions for advanced maternal age and low ovarian reserve. He enjoys overcoming varied obstacles to fulfill his patient’s dreams.
“I’ve been nicknamed the “nicest gentlemen in the west” because I treat my patients like family. I take a very personal approach to each couple or individual I meet. No patient is alike and neither is their treatment. With customization for every patient, attention to detail is crucial. I want every patient to have the best quality of care and I do everything I can to create a successful outcome. I am not just a physician. I’m also an artist (a musician, poet, and writer). This side of me allows me to treat my patients more with my heart. I like to think it’s a combination of heart, mind, and skill.”
Dr. Ho is very interested in new technologies on the horizon. Specifically, creating embryos from skin cells instead of harvesting as a solution for advanced maternal age. Although still controversial and far in the future, he is also interested in the future of IVF as it relates to gene editing.
美国 Dr. Minh N. Ho, M.D., F.A.C.O.G 医生
Dr. Minh N. Ho, M.D., F.A.C.O.G 是沿海生育医疗中心的生殖内分泌、不孕症和妇产科委员会认证医师。他 30 多年前毕业于医学院,此后一直通过实践展示他的技能。Dr. Minh N. Ho 非常擅长治疗各种背景的患者,但专门治疗亚裔患者。他著名的实践和公认的专业知识使他有机会为精英客户提供治疗,包括越南的权威政府官员和高端名人。他的大多数患者从中国和越南前往美国,在领先的全方位 IVF 医疗中心 RSMC 接受他的不孕症治疗、代孕和卵子捐赠指导。胡医生因其在高龄产妇和妇女健康方面的专业知识而经常被称赞为帮助各年龄段的女性。
胡医生于 1979 年以难民身份从越南来到美国。三年内,他被迈阿密大学米勒医学院录取,并于 1986 年获得医学博士学位。随后,他在世界著名的德克萨斯大学西南医学中心帕克兰纪念医院完成了妇产科住院医师培训,在那里他发明了获得专利的双钳脐带剪。1990 年完成住院医师培训后,胡医生搬到圣地亚哥,加入了凯撒医疗集团的妇产科团队。为了继续他的教育事业,他后来开始在圣地亚哥加州大学攻读生殖内分泌学和不孕症专业,在那里他在诺贝尔奖获得者 Samuel Yen 博士的指导下工作。 1994 年,他获得了美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 的特别资助,在马里兰州贝塞斯达的国际知名国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 担任了一年的客座研究科学家,继续研究和证明颗粒细胞表达 GnRH 受体。他令人印象深刻的教育和培训背景继续加强他在生殖科学领域的专业知识。在他多年的行医生涯中,他帮助了数千对夫妇实现了拥有自己选择的性别的健康婴儿的梦想。